Delayed but released... Update 4 is ready for immediate deployment. For a complete list of improvements please see the What's New in the Solaris 10 8/07 Release document. Here are the highlights, imho: iSCSI Target Support A list of ZFS improvements too long ot list raidctl for hardware RAID (including Galaxy root mirrored configurations using MPT) SATA Tagged Queuing (BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE!) nge JumboFrame support lx Branded ...
Sun and Joyent are hosting a party tonight in the Portland DoubleTree Garage... yes, garage, because ballrooms are for debutantes and wimps. We'll have a DJ, free b33r, and a good time. Such Sun 3l173 as David Comey, Sara Dornsiff, Brenden Gregg, Simon Phipps, Adam Leventhal, and others will be present in addition to Jason Hoffman, Luke Crawford, and of course myself. If your at OSCON be there! Rock the g4r4ge h4rdc0r3 with Sun and ...
When working with iSCSI nothing can be more confusing and frustrating than dealing with WWN-like cryptic IQN's (unique strings that identify an initiator or target). I mean, how meaningful is this?: Not very. SysAdmin Rule #102: Take cryptic non-sensical string, add some sleep deprivation, insert into production environment, result? Disaster. Thankfully changing that ...
The first line of defense in iSCSI deployments is to properly define and bind targets to a target portal group (TPG) via a tag on the target (TPGT). ACL's then provide yet more security by not only restricting how you get to the target, but which initiators are even allowed to connect to a given target. Beyond that, you can use password authentication via CHAP to ensure only the persons you want connecting can. This can be useful in ...
IP Filter is easier than ever to use in Solaris. I don't do a lot of firewalling, but I have a strange case where I need to block access to a single port on a remote server from all but a single (my) IP. I'm no big security nut, but in this case I'll write about it because most of the docs out there have the wrong procedure for using IP Filter on Solaris if your using something newer than build 52. So, here is the procedure for setting ...
This gives me hope... Chelsio's 10GbE Storage Accelerators. Featuring iSCSI, RDMA, and TOE on a single card. Just think of the possibilities. Grid nodes with a single cable out of the back on which you can iSCSI boot (OpenQRM anyone?) and completely virtualize my network topology such that I can reconfigure any box in any way without having to go onsite and recable. Ultimate flexibility and all the bandwidth you need for years to come. ...
Happy, Happy Birthday from all of us to you....... OpenSolaris is 2. Just like a child, it feels like much longer than that and you're not quite sure what you did before they arrived. The last year has been a good one for us. A lot of growing pains still, but we're getting our footing and growing. The OGB has finally been replaced with a proper board. The code has surpased the number of builds leading up to Solaris 10's initial GA. ...
So it was just announced that ZFS won't be the default filesystem in Leopard. Talk about a bummer... but not shocking really. I feel bad for Jonathan, not because he was wrong, but because its really easy for misunderstandings to come from a single comment. Lets review: "In fact, this week you'll see that Apple is announcing at their Worldwide Developers Conference that ZFS has become the file system in Mac OS 10," Schwartz said. ...
Yes, thats right, on Saturday June 16th OpenSolaris will spend the day in the park with friends, family, coworkers and everyone associated in any way with Solaris. This all started some time ago. I'm not a Sun employee but I work closely with many. I always thought it'd be awesome to be at a Sun Company picnic, because I'm a family man and I really like to not just meet people but meet the whole family. Our spouses and girl/boyfrie...
I've put up the video from the Silicon Valley OpenSolaris Users Group meeting last month when Ian Murdock discussed Project Indiana. I'm sorry but the video is in Quicktime h.264/AAC and will work great on Mac and Windows but probly not so well on Solaris... sorry, I don't have an X86 iMovie plugin for DiVX. Anyway, its up, have a look at make your own judgments. URL: At ...