Photo Catchup: JavaOne, OpenSolaris, PostgreSQL

Posted on June 26, 2006

I’ve gotten way behind on posting pictures. I finally caught up to date and figured, even as late as it is, I’d share some of them…


The registration area of JavaOne (above). All the signage was in XML tags which I thought was kool.

Some of the crowds at JavaOne. The place was packed!

The OpenSolaris booth on the JavaOne Expo Floor before the flood gates opened. Mike Kupfer mans the post ready and waiting. Beside us (on the right) is the DTrace Challange Booth, which made for some interesting cross pod action.

Two of the great minds at Splunk, the Splunk Product Manager (left) and Chief Community Splunker (right). Both very kool and friendly people.

OpenSolaris Birthday Dinner @ The Oasis

Lots of community members wanted to go, but only 3 of us actually turned up. Dinner ran from 6-ish till about 8. In fairness, unless your in Menlo Park getting to the Oasis isn’t easy and getting there from San Jose would have been a pain. Nevertheless, it was a great time with a lot of great people responsable for OpenSolaris’s success.

PostgreSQL@Silicon Valley OpenSolaris Users Group

Josh Berkus presented PostgreSQL at SVOSUG. This was the first SVOSUG meeting that was global in attendance thanks to an open call-in line for the meeting.