O’Reilly Rounds Out the Ruby Series: Ruby Cookbook

Posted on July 26, 2006

A book I’m glad to see, Ruby Cookbook has hit the shelves.

This really helps to round out the print coverage for Ruby. I bought Ruby in a Nutshell a while back and always keep it in my bag just in case. Of course, the Pragmatic Programmer’s books still set the standard, but its nice to see Ruby grow in its acceptance according to the publishing companies.

On a related note, O’Rielly’s Ruby on Rails book is currently available as a “Rough Cut” and Apress has 3 Rails books scheduled, Pro Ruby, Beginning Ruby on Rails: From Novice to Professional, and Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional, all 3 of which are “Coming Soon”. I’ll be looking forward to Apress’s books because by-and-large the Apress books far exceed O’Reilly in completeness, quality, and pacing.