Learning about Solaris FMAC (That NSA Thingie)

Posted on April 6, 2008

You probly heard a couple weeks ago that Sun has initiated a new OpenSolaris Project to integrate Flexible Mandatory Access Control (FMAC) into *Solaris which is being jointly developed by the NSA. John Weeks from Sun gave a talk last month at the Silicon Valley OpenSolaris Users Group and video is now available on the SVOSUG Home Page.

If your thinking RBAC, don’t… think Trusted Solaris instead and your on a closer track. This will integrate FLASK, which was integrated with Linux to create SE/Linux. At this point I’m not interested, and unless your a security fan or existing SE/Linux user who doesn’t like Trusted Solaris just don’t worry about this for now… watch the video, get an idea of whats coming, but expect to hear more about this in the months ahead.