OpenSolaris Governing Board Results Are In

Posted on March 28, 2008

The election results are finally here. I am, yet again, the bridesmaid, first runner up (second runner up last time, first runner up before that). Your new board is:

  • John Beck,
  • Alan Coopersmith,
  • Glynn Foster,
  • Jim Grisanzio,
  • Stephen Lau,
  • Simon Phipps, and
  • John Plocher.

You’ll notice that with the exception of Stephen Lau who recently left Sun for Songbird (which many people don’t seem to yet realize) this is an all Sun board. This is, imho, a non-optimal solution.

Both of the amendments passed… I’m saddened by this.

All in all, however, I’m not surprised or bothered by the result. In fact, I’m glad that I’ll get to spend the next year working on code and projects and not banging my head against a brick wall. The fact that Simon and John P. are on the board will ensure that things move more quickly because of their internal clout, which is apparently the only way to get things done. We should see more results this time around as a result…. but I wish thats not what it took.

I have a great deal of things to do and contribute, and so hopefully now I’ll have more time to focus on those things which, I think, ultimately, will be of greater benefit to OpenSolaris than worrying about governance. Besides, I do more good on a daily basis for OpenSolaris at Joyent than we ever have in governance.