Guardian Quote; A little clarification

Posted on February 22, 2008

I was congratulated on getting quoted in the Guardian today, Giving away software makes good sense for Sun. Given that I was unaware of this I was thrilled…. and then I read it.

The article quoted a previous blog entry but didn’t provide that context, so it looks like I’m trying to counterpoint or argue with Jonathan. Eek.

I just want to clarify the point that I, myself, am part of the problem; note that I say “we” instead of “they” in the quote. This is a community matter and I am trying to help us all work toward a solution. In fact I’ve spent a lot of time over the last couple weeks researching development models in a variety of communities, my notebook and a copy of “The Cathedral and the Bazaar” sit under my coffee cup as I type in fact.

Anyway, the article puts Jonathan and I in a point-counterpoint-rebuttal sort of conversation and that looks more adversarial than it should. We’ll all get this sorted out in time, we’re learning and growing as a community, and I have full confidence in Jonathan’s leadership and strongly believe that he “gets it”, which can’t be said for many these days.