Welcome to the VxMake tutorial. At this point it is assumed that you've worked through the previous two courses. At this point you should have a good grasp what the different type of Veritas objects are, how they work together, and the different classes of RAID. With this understood, lets jump into it.
The title of this section is titled after the exclamation I've screamed several times after having done the "impossible". That being described as something that everything and everyone else told me was impossible, and suddenly I made it work. More often than not this happens for me with Veritas. Because of peoples poor understanding of Veritas and her tools they have little faith in her mystical ways, and redeeming qualities and features. In the course we'll look at how to build real volumes. I've created several Vx volumes from scratch on a test system I have and documented EVERYTHING. We'll walk step by step through these examples to illustrate for you. We're going to do everything together, not like other Veritas volumes that just leave pieces out. You'll see what I saw when I created objects. This should also serve as a good reference until you get to a mid- to advanced Veritas user; at which point you will have all this memorized frontwards and backwards. But first lets talk about....