The Cuddletech Veritas Volume Manager Series: Volume Kreation: VxAssist & Ways to spend more time cuddling | ||
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I hope that this course had helped make you feel at home with vxassist. You've seen the same syntax over and over and over, and I hope that it's starting to feel second nature by now, which was the goal of this course. There are a great deal more things that vxassist can do for us and our volumes than we've done here, but you now have the proper firm basis to venture off into argument land.
A final reminder. Always be very careful what you do. Triple check your syntax, and plan things out before you build and/or modify. One of vxassist's greatest assets is that you can do alot while saying very little, But the downside is that if that one command is formed inproperly you can do some horrible horrible damage that may or may not be easily reversable. If there is one thing that can get you fired in an instant it's blowing away a couple hundred gigs of data in one foul swoop, even if you do have a tape. Be careful and be thoughtful, and you'll do just fine. (You might have a heart attack at age 23 like I almost did, but at least you won't live in a cardboard box!)