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Starting the Trap Daemon

The trap daemon needs to be started explicitly in order to listen for traps. It can be started in whichever method your OS prefers (/etc/rc.local or an initscript). You can pass a variety of arguments to the daemon, such as a list of MIBs to be used (-m) or tell it to run in the foreground for debugging purposes (-f).

Here is an example init script:


case "$1" in
        [ -f /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/extreme620.mib ] || exit 0

        /usr/local/sbin/snmptrapd -m /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/extreme620.mib -n
        pkill snmptrapd
        echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"
        exit 1
exit 0

In this case the script ensures that the required MIB is present before starting the trap daemon. -m specifies the MIB (or list of MIBs) for the trap daemon to use and -n specifies that source addresses should not be translated into hostnames.
