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IETF RFC 1213 "defines the second version of the Management Information Base (MIB-II) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets." All SNMP agent and tool distributions should include MIBs that will comply with MIB-II and all devices should at the very least return values that comply with the MIB-II standard.

Within the MIB-II standard several OID groups are defined, including:

The System Group
Basic system identification and information OIDs such as sysDescr, sysContact, sysName, SysLocation, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in SNMPv2-MIB)
The Interfaces Group
Network Interface information such as ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifAdminStatus, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in IF-MIB)
The Address Translation Group
Address Translation (AT) information mapping Physical to Logical addressing such as atNetAddress, atPhysAddress, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in RFC1213-MIB)
The IP Group
IP stats and settings such as ipInReceives, ipForwarding, ipInAddrErrors, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in IP-MIB)
The ICMP Group
ICMP stats and settings such as icmpInMsgs, icmpInErrors, icmpInRedirects, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in IP-MIB)
The TCP Group
TCP stats and settings such as tcpActiveOpens, tcpPassiveOpens, tcpInErrs, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in TCP-MIB)
The UDP Group
UDP stats and settings such as udpInDatagrams, udpInErrors, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in UDP-MIB)
The EGP Group
EGP stats and settings (if the device support EGP) such as egpNeighAs, egpNeighMode, etc (Reported by Net-SNMP in RFC1213-MIB)
The Transmission Group
Device specific media transmition stats and settings (Reported by Net-SNMP in RFC1213-MIB or your vendor MIB)
The SNMP Group
SNMP stats and settings such as snmpInPkts, snmpInASNParseErrs, snmpInTraps, etc. (Reported by Net-SNMP in SNMPv2-MIB)

If you do a default walk of an SNMP device the MIB-II data should be returned. All data with the exception of the EGP and Transmission groups are requirements of the standard. For most networking devices such as routers this information is usually sufficient to provide most of the information you could want.

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